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The Mind-Body Connection

Yoga 01The benefits of physical activity to both physical and emotional health are well-established. Movement integrated with meditative practices are particularly therapeutic and have been shown to reduce stress, reduce the pain associated with many chronic illnesses, and protect against cognitive decline and even dementia.

2008-06-09-1730-29In addition to more traditional psychotherapies, Dr. Freitag is a strong proponent of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction practices, and offers group classes in the following:

  • Body awareness incorporating movements of t’ai chi, qi gong and yoga practices
  • Healing from the Right Side of the Brain: Coming Home to Yourself. This class will help you discover untapped resources within through creative and expressive modalities.

Tram2009For more information on how these mindfulness-based therapies can be of specific help to you, and/or which practice would be most beneficial, contact Dr. Freitag.


©2019 Integrative Psychological Services P.A. | Integrating Body, Mind, Spirit, and Community | A Whole Health Approach
Mary G. Freitag, Psy. D., L.P. | Licensed Clinical Psychologist | 651-357-3216 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      10480 Perkins Ave North | Stillwater, MN 55082  
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